ASG was established in 1977; and is a British-registered educational charity.
ASG is entirely funded by British well-wishers.
Its Mission is to initiate or expand active links and research collaboration between academics, specialists and centres-of-excellence in the UK and their counterparts in Israel.
ASG is too small a Foundation to sponsor basic research, but the Charity does commit resources in sponsorship of individual research visits, highly-focused Research Workshops and the creation of specialist placements in Israel.
Though ASG is primarily a UK-Israel operation all Workshops are open to specialist participants from other parts of the World, and the involvement of Palestinian and Arab scholars is particularly welcomed.
Within the UK ASG offers a modest Speakers Service providing pre-University students and Adult Ed. audiences with a background to Israel and the Arab World identifying both the Region's brilliances and its problems.
By definition as a Charity ASG presses no political line and eschews any form of propagandising.
The only issue on which ASG has firm policy is opposition to BDS. The Charity is totally committed to the universality of knowledge and rejects any disruption to cross-national co-operation.
Israel's most recent Nobel Laureates

Prof. Aaron Ciechanover

Robert J. Aumann

Prof. Ada E. Yonath