The Academic Study Group

Grass Roots Education

The Middle East - Israel and the Arab World - is a Region of stunning diversity. Its geographies, histories, societies, faiths, economies are absorbingly-varied and stimulating.

Most tellingly the oil and gas riches of the Region impact on the whole Global Community;

The Religions and Faiths which have emerged from the Region have coloured the moral thinking of much of Mankind;

and its innovative genius, now seen particularly in contemporary Israel, is revolutionising technologies across the World.

By the same token the violent tensions, rivalries and millennialist trends in area not only generate tragic Conflicts in the Middle East itself but also now pose a direct terror threat to Communities across the World.

Given therefore the direct relevance and impact of this Region on us all ASG maintains a small Lecture team which is available to offer thoughtful and accessible talks and presentations on this brilliant but troubled Region.

To book a future presentation please contact the ASG Office.

A TED Talk given by John Levy can be seen below.